European & National projects

European & National projects

Adele develops EU projects at every stage, from the very first step, such as identification of the call and of the potential partner, up to the latter ones, like the project designing and implementation. Adele focuses on Education and Training holding as guiding principle the support to social inclusion and economic development at a local level, and it does so correlating education and initial VET offers in order to meet labour market demand.

A dynamic and strongly demanding economy like nowadays one requires a highly qualified labour force,  having the capability to meet to the new  technologies challenges and to understand the changing needs of markets. It is one of our objectives to increase the adaptability and flexibility of labour force by promoting innovative projects, mainly financed by ESF and by several EC calls. For this reason, Adele’s priority is to improve  access to employment, especially by helping young people in the transition from the world of education to work, or by training less-skilled unemployed people who are in the search for a job to improve their prospects. As a matter of fact, vocational training and lifelong learning opportunities aimed to provide people with new useful skills represent a large part of many ESF projects in Bulgaria. Another of our core priorities is helping people belonging to  disadvantaged groups to have a successful job search,  enhancing ‘social inclusion’ in order to better their integration into society and everyday life.

At the same time, Adele offers assistance and training concerning access to EU funding opportunities and consultancy in specializing business management as well as internationalization services.

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