Who We Are
ADELE is a non governmental organization based in Shumen (BG), in the north area of Bulgaria. It is particularly focused in the fields of non formal education, EU programmes consultancy and urban regeneration
Education, training activities and consultancy are provided in sectors such as urban regeneration, cultural planning, entrepreneurial skills, place-making. Its staff has expertise in financing resources through direct and structural fundsAdele’s main goals are:
To support the economic development by fostering the entrepreneurial spirit especially in young generations
To foster the social cohesion through the engagement of local communities in urban policies and regeneration processes thorough place-making/city-making strategies
To strengthen the social cohesion by favoring the integration of minorities and disadvantaged people in the social fabric
To be a landmark by providing research, study and analysis in the sectors of interest, and by providing consulting activities to public and private local bodies in the field of EU funding opportunities
Our Mission
ADELE is a NGO aimed at strengthening economic development and social cohesion in the north area of Bulgaria.Adele’s mission is to contribute to the social development of the local, regional and national community by elaborating and promoting scientific research and collaboration with national and international partners, by implementing cultural activities and services for a sustainable development of cities and regions, by training and fostering the skills of young, open-minded people.
Adele wants to inspire strong interpersonal skills, and instill an entrepreneurial attitude in youngsters and disadvantaged people
Adele wants to expand the perspective of young and disadvantaged people to make them aware of life’s possibilities.
The focus of Adele is to empower youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.
Adele wants to surround young and disadvantaged people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.
Latest News
Община Шумен в партньорство с ФОНДАЦИЯ АДЕЛЕ и още шест училища и детски градини стартира изпълнението на проект BG05M9OP001-2.056-0011 „СОЦИАЛНО-ИКОНОМИЧЕСКА ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ НА УЯЗВИМИ ГРУПИ В ОБЩИНА ШУМЕН”, финансиран по процедура чрез директно предоставяне на безвъзмездна финансова помощ с интегрирано проектно предложение BG05M9OP001-2.056 „СОЦИАЛНО-ИКОНОМИЧЕСКА ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ НА УЯЗВИМИ ГРУПИ. ИНТЕГРИРАНИ МЕРКИ ЗА ПОДОБРЯВАНЕ ДОСТЪПА ДО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ“ – КОМПОНЕНТ 2
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